Fuel bunkering is one of the most critical parts of a vessel's dynamic work schedule. Discover how we organize this critical process and how we serve you.

Bunker Tradıng

Bunker operations are a critical part of a vessel’s dynamic work schedule and are classified as a vital process. Therefore, careful planning and coordination between all parties is required for fuel orders.


The role of the Bunkerist in this process is to actively participate in the trade of transit fuel and lubricants, working professionally and with experience. These commercial programs create pressure on shipowners and personnel responsible for fuel orders, and the Bunkerist works with a professional trader team to respond to these challenging conditions.

We offer our customers the most suitable local fuel prices. The party placing the fuel order is credited according to their desired payment conditions and capacity. The product of the required quality and quantity is supplied to the ships on time and the post-sales liabilities are fulfilled.


If our customer is dissatisfied, the problem is resolved or addressed with professional support. The Bunker Trader, acting on behalf of the seller and the buyer, assumes responsibility according to the terms of the contract from the initial inquiry to the supply stage, tracking the entire process.


Based on the industry knowledge and market dynamics, the Bunkerist, which is certain to meet all of your expectations, performs the supply with the professionalism offered by local resources whenever and for whatever products are needed.

Angelina ÇAĞATAY Trader

Mobil: +90 532 440 29 38

Skype: angelinacagatay8672@gmail.com

Elif TOPOĞLU Head of Sales

Mobil: +90 532 470 29 38

Skype: eliftopoglu

Yahya BATU Management Assistant

Mobil:+90 536 952 37 28

Skype: yahyagebes

Technical Support Services


In today’s world, due to the differences in standards among refineries, the evaluation of substitute products among the products that supply global supply points may be necessary. In this case, it is an important technical matter to define and name substitute products in accordance with international standards. In addition, it is important for buyers to be aware of updates on this subject.


If you appoint Bunkerist, all conformity measures between international standards and local opportunities will be made and guidance on the recommended products that match the buyer’s request will be provided. We consider it an honor to offer you the maritime fuel of your request with the competitive, current, and internationally recognized standard products of the alternative supplier companies you prefer.

Agency Support


The collaboration between the agent and the bunkerist is conducted in a way that will allow you to receive the best service. An agent is a natural or legal person who, independently and based on a specific agreement, acts as an intermediary in contracts concerning commercial businesses, whether inside or unrelated to that business. These contracts are made in the name and account of the commercial business and there is a continuous relationship between the agent and the commercial business. Ship agents are appointed individuals or organizations responsible for the management of loading and unloading of cargo and the safety of the product in ports worldwide, while taking into account the general interests of ship owners, managers, and renters. They are sometimes referred to as port agents or cargo brokers in some regions.


Agents efficiently and effectively fulfill the regular and routine duties and responsibilities of the maritime companies they represent, including the provision of basic supplies, obtaining customs documents, crew transfers, and waste notifications. They promptly fulfill these transactions in coordination with port authorities. They frequently inform maritime companies of reporting and updates related to the arrival port. If you need to appoint a local agent at the port your ship is calling at, alternatives will be offered to you by contacting experienced and reputable firms. The collaboration between the agent and the bunkerist is conducted in a way that will allow you to receive the best service and provides the best conditions in terms of responsibilities and duties.

Waste Management


This service is carried out within the framework of laws and regulations, with the approval of the local authority. The local authority can take a decision to reject, taking into account factors such as the nature of the waste and the weather conditions not being suitable for a healthy disposal.

In addition, as environmental awareness increases in international waters, Bunkerist will search for all possibilities in accordance with the appropriate regulations set out by the MARPOL Convention and provide guidance on the disposal of dirty waste for you.